The #1 Myth about Bed Bugs


If you’ve ever had the misfortune of seeking bed bug treatment, you may have gotten a small taste of one of the most misleading and corrupt service industries in America.

The pest control industry preys on folks who are scared and hopeless - that is, too confused to make an informed choice. Bed bugs in particular make for an easy sale. As they would have you believe it, those nasty critters are impossible to get rid of, requiring a professional at the helm to save the day (for big bucks, mind you…).

Nothing could not be further from the truth. Bed bugs are not a virus nor a disease. Modern technology has gifted us tools to completely kill bed bugs for good with no professional aid necessary.

In contrast to bacteria and other lifeforms, bed bugs have never evolved to withstand high temperatures. Blast them with 115 degree heat and they will die for good, just has they have been for hundreds of years.

Now, how hard is it to turn up the heat? As simple as turning on a space heater. Why would you need to pay a professional thousands of dollars for that?!

We need to do some more research to understand where this trope of the invincible bed bug came to be, but we wouldn’t be surprised if a pest control company was behind it. Can you imagine a better marketing technique?!

What if landscapers could convince you lawns were impossible to mow…think about how much they’d get away with charging!

Call us today to get the inside scoop on treating bed bugs yourself. Trust us, it’s not hard at all.


How to Kill Bed Bugs in Dallas - The Most Effective Methods of Treatment

Killing bed bugs is not rocket science, as our competitors would have you believe. In fact, choosing a treatment method is more difficult and time consuming than the actual treatment itself.

With so many methods out there and so much misinformation in the industry, what do you choose?

At Kill Bed Bugs Dallas, we pride ourselves on being one of the most honest providers in our space. Check out our reviews to see for yourself. We’ve gone through the trouble of dispelling the myths and clearly laying out your options.

Let’s get started.

Store Bought Chemicals

Your first stop for treating bed bugs may be your local hardware store. The pesticides are cheap, name-branded, and hey, the orange-vested employee was almost sure it’d work! What’s not to like?

Unfortunately, they just don’t work. We have almost never seen a consumer-grade pesticide solve a bed bug problem.

In fact, they often make the problem much worse. These weak pesticides don’t kill unless there is direct contact. Bed bugs sense these chemicals as “repellents”, meaning that they will run away from them as soon as they are sprayed. They will run across floors, under carpets, even deep inside walls to hide from the spray.

Often, this is their start to discovering a path out of the bedroom and spreading through the home to other rooms. You’d turn a small issue into a nightmare.

Commercial Pesticides


Commercial-grade pesticides, on the other hand, are much more effective. They will kill bed bugs on contact, faster than those critters can run away. Some of the most effective pesticides can continue killing for weeks after the initial spray. They make for great insurance in case you bring any more bed bugs home in the future.

The downside to these chemicals is that bed bug eggs are immune. The eggs are watertight, so you’ll need to wait until they hatch and crawl across a treated area before they die. This could take a few weeks.

Moreover, if the technician has missed a spot, you’ll end up right where you started. Most pesticide treatment companies will respray over a few visits for this very reason. Because the sprays become non-toxic only once they dry, each visit will require you to leave the room for about 4 hours.

Additionally, some chemicals can damage furniture and paints, which can cost you quite a bit in repairs.



Our treatment of choice is the bed bug heater. Bed bugs cannot survive in temperature greater than 115 degrees.

Our industrial strength heaters reach this temperature so quickly that the bed bugs don’t have time to run away and find escape routes. Heat will also kill all stages of the bed bug, including eggs, so you don’t need to worry about seeing bed bugs for weeks.

We would be lying if we said there were no downsides. Heat treatments take a few more hours than spray pesticides - you need to leave heaters in the room for 4-6 hours. On the flip side, you solve the issue immediately, with no need for retreatments or danger of missed spots.

Another potential downside is that heat treatments don’t work in the future. If you bring in another bed bug the same way you got them in the first place, you’ll have to treat again. We occasionally, but very rarely, recommend a commercial pesticide spray that we can provide as a precaution. But, really, how often do you think you’ll be dragging bed bugs home?


So there you have it. There is no silver bullet. Each treatment has some pros and cons, but for almost everyone out there, heat treatments are the way to go. And our heater rental is the most affordable and quickest way to get it done.

If you have any questions or want to reserve a heater, give us a call anytime:


Bed Bug Treatment Prices in Dallas - How Much Does it Cost to Kill Bed Bugs?


At Kill Bed Bugs Dallas, we pride ourselves on giving you a fair deal and all the knowledge necessary to treat bed bugs yourself. We charge a flat $300 per day for our heaters. Our competitors, however, are terrified that we spilling the beans on their secrets. They won’t even tell you their prices!

Calling Other Companies

We went through the trouble of calling 10 different local DFW companies for the cost of a 2 bedroom bed bug treatment. Here is what we heard:

  • “We need to do an inspection before we commit to any prices.” - What in the world do you need to inspect?? Does your car wash inspect your car before telling you their prices?

  • “We charge a $150 inspection fee” - Sure, so now I need to pay upfront for a service I don’t even need. That’s halfway to a heater already.

  • “We don’t work on the weekends" - How many folks want to live with bed bugs for an extra weekend? It’s mind-boggling why other pest control companies schedule out their services days in advance. When you have bed bugs, you want them gone yesterday!

  • “$1800 to treat the two rooms” - WHAT! This is not rocket science. This company wanted to pay a technician to sit at my home for 6 hours to watch a heater run. I don’t need to pay for that!

  • “The price could be anywhere from $800 to $8000” - At least we got a range. Although for two bedrooms, I don’t know what they are expecting to find. Killing one bed bug is no more work than killing two.

The Secret to Overcharging

After talking to the grimey salesmen of our competitors, we gathered our experience to bring you the exclusive 4-Step Secret to Overcharging For Bed Bug Treatments ™:

Step 1: Don’t list prices online, on the phone, or in your advertisements.

If you want to maximize value from every customer, don’t tell anyone what your prices are. You can charge the couple with a BMW in their garage $1000 more than their neighbors, and no one will ever find out.

Who wants to tell their neighbors about that one time they had bed bugs, let alone how much they paid? No one!

Step 2: Always require an inspection before agreeing to a price.

Take this page from the used car salesman’s book: Always talk to the customer in person.

Notice how inspectors are always suave, cleanly dressed salesmen. Rarely do they perform the work themselves.

Why does the company spend the extra time and money to send someone over just to hand deliver a price? Simple - you are much more likely to be pressured and overcharged when you talk to someone in person.

Step 3: Never doubt the effectiveness of your own treatment method.

We’ve heard it all -

  • “Heat treatments are ancient technology”

  • “You need a chemical treatment to be sure that the bed bugs are gone”

  • “Chemicals are better than heat treatments”

  • “Heat treatments are more effective than chemicals”

  • “You need heat and liquid treatment.”

Here’s the truth: Heat treatments kill the eggs, the adults, and everything in-between. Store-bought chemicals are useless. Commercial grade pesticides work only on live bed bugs, not eggs.

Spray a pesticide and it will remain active for a few months, but it will take weeks before all the eggs have hatched and died. Miss a spot, and you’ll have to do it all over again.

Heat treatments kill bed bugs immediately. But they won’t kill the bed bugs you bring in later.

Pesticide sprays are insurance, but heat treatments are solutions. You will rarely ever need both.

Step 4: Offer a warranty no one can use.

To wrap it all up, offer a 30-day to 6-month warranty that has so many exclusions no one will take you up on it. Charge 50% more.

We Are Different

At Kill Bed Bugs Dallas, we don’t charge you based on the size of your problem. Why? Because it’s the same amount of work no matter how many bed bugs you have in a room.

We are upfront with our pricing: $300 per day per heater. You can treat up to 4 rooms with a heater in one day. No one can beat our prices.

And we care: We started this company to save our community from the crooks we used to call coworkers. Give us a call anytime and we’ll explain everything you need to know.

Trust us, bed bugs are not as scary as our competitors want you to believe.

Call to reserve a heater today: 469-618-9991